Hebrews 7:25
Jesus is praying for you. God’s Word of pure truth says that Jesus lives to intercede for us; He is regularly pleading with the Father on our behalf.
Jesus is God’s eternal Son, all God, all Man, and all powerful. When He prays, He does so perfectly and in exact harmony with the Father and the answers will come.
Jesus is God’s Agent in Creation (John 1:1-3). Charles Stanley wrote, “The One who carried out Creation [most of it by Divine Fiat – by His Word alone He said, “Let there be light and there was light.”] is the One who is praying for you. The same voice that called the universe into existence is moving people, engineering situations, and orchestrating circumstances so to carry out His will for your life.”
It is the Father who scrutinizes your path and who is intimately acquainted with all your ways, so nothing can come into your life apart from His approval and everything that comes into your life He will use for your good and for His purpose to remake you into the image of His Son (Psalm 139:3; Romans 8:28, 29).
So, do not be afraid. Remember Your Shepherd, your King, your Intercessor is with you and for you.
[Charles Stanley: “Jesus, Our Perfect Hope,” p. 5]