Children Kids Place
2019 Carnival

Mission Statement:

To partner with families in building a biblical
foundation that will lead a child into a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ.


  • To empower children with the
    Holy Spirit through Worship,
    Biblical teaching, and fellowship.
  • To teach children to think,
    reason and make decisions
  • To assist parents in
    training their child in
  • To teach children to love
    others and share the
    gospel of Jesus Christ
    with them.


In Yield Student Ministries, we realize that the opportunity to teach your child is a privilege. We recognize that we are under God’s authority and under the authority of the child’s parents. We look for opportunities to include you, as the parent, in our ministry. Whether it be providing snacks opening your home to us, or even being included in the weekly process of the ministry, we would love for you to serve alongside us.

We use a weekly process of Bible study, worship through music, Scripture memorization, service, and lots and lots of fun and fellowship. We hope you will trust us with your child as well as be willing to serve them with us.


Psalm 150:3 (NASB)
Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre.
Psalm 96:1 (NASB)
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

Flowing from a deep love for Jesus, our team uses their musical talents, gifts, and abilities, to guide our people into a meaningful worship experience with the Father, our Lord, and His sweet Spirit.

Our worship team leaders:
Bryanna Allsbury, Kathy Gooch, Vonnie Houser, Todd Logan, Brent Williams, and Cassie Williams.
Our instrumentalist team members:
Jannette Beal  –  Piano                       
Jan Smith  –  Clavinova                   
Jake Gooch – Bass
Chris Hathcock  –  Bass and Guitar                    
Joey Gooch Jr.  –  Drums
Our media team members:
Stephen Gleen
Scott Corbin 

When a person comes to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, he or she is adopted (Romans 8:15) and becomes a part of “ … God’s household” (Ephesians 2:19). When you are born again through faith in Jesus, you are formed for family. The Community Group is where you connect with the family of God and develop relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ who have similar interests and who encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25) as we wrestle with daily life.


Following the Biblical pattern in Acts 2:42-47, the Community Groups form the relational environment where intentional leaders use a reproducible process to accomplish Fairview’s purpose which is to “make disciples who in turn make disciples.” You will study God’s Word, grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ, become “life ready,” build strong relationships, and be on mission with the Lord.

Little Blessings  –  Nursery
Meets downstairs in two-story Welcome Building Center. 
Children’s Groups
TYKE  –  Pre-K   (Turning Young Kids toward Eternity)
Meets downstairs in two-story Welcome Building Center.     
BLAST  –  K-2nd   (Bible Learning and Sharing Together)
Meets upstairs in two-story Welcome Building Center. 
JAM  –  3rd-4th   (Jesus and Me)
Meets upstairs in two-story Welcome Building Center.  
LAMBS  –  5th-6th   (Learning About My Blessed Savior)
Meets upstairs in two-story Welcome Building Center. 
Youth Groups
She Bears  –  7th-12th Girls   (Based on 2 Kings 2:23)
Meets in white office metal building on 12th St. 
ARMY  –  7th-12th Boys   (Anointed Reigning Mighty Youth)
Meets in white office metal building on 12th St.
Dad Jazz  –  College/Career
Meets upstairs in the two story Welcome building center.
Adult Groups
ABBA  – Young Adults   (Adults Building Biblical Awareness)
Meet upstairs in the two-story Welcome building center.
Knights of Fairview  –  Mixed Adults
Meets downstairs in two story Welcome building center. 
The Chosen  –  Adults
Meet downstairs in two story Welcome building center. 
SALT  –  Middle Aged Adults 
Meet downstairs in two story Welcome building center. 
Friendship Group  –  Adult Ladies
Meet downstairs in the two-story Welcome Center building
New Members Class
Starts TBD
Meet upstairs in the two-story Welcome Center building     
Women of Faith
Hello friend, I am so excited you are visiting this page. There is a place for you to come and experience God and His servants of women. Women of Faith are here to walk together as wives, mothers, daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters in this world’s journey. The expectation of a Proverb 31 woman is sometimes way out of reach but together each of us can pray, engage and even support one another.  Visit with us on this journey, we call life, and let us get to know you so we can gather around you and be a blessing to you. 
Thank you,
Acts 1:8

In His final word to us before ascending back to the Father, Jesus said, “ … you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

Whether we go or we pool our financial gifts and send others, our vision includes a global impact by sharing the good news of salvation and life after death.
Lottie Moon
The Gideon’s
Hope For All Nations
Dr. Edwell & Constance Nhira
Because God commands us to preach the whole counsel of His Word, the Bible, and because this great land, America, is built on the timeless principles of Scripture and Biblical principles, we seek to reclaim and preserve America’s Christin and Constitutional Heritage , using a number of strategies including conferences, seminars, power lunches, and many others.